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If you are applying for either Law or Law with Law Studies in Europe, you will be required to sit the LNAT as part of your application.

The Law National Admissions Test (LNAT) is a 2-hour 15-minute test divided into two sections.

Section A is a computer-based, multiple-choice exam consisting of 42 questions. The questions are based on 12 passages, with 3 or 4 multiple-choice questions on each. You are given 95 minutes to answer all of the questions. You’ll be asked to read passages of text and answer questions that test your comprehension of them. Your answers to the multiple-choice section of the test are checked by computer, and a mark out of 42 is created. This is known as your LNAT score.

In Section B you will be given 40 minutes to write an essay from a list of three proposed subjects. This section is marked by the tutors at the college to which you apply, and this mark is taken into account as part of the selection process. The essay is your opportunity to show your ability to construct a compelling argument and reach a conclusion.

The LNAT isn’t designed to test your knowledge of Law or any other subject. Instead, it helps us to assess your aptitude for studying Law. 


There are 12 LNAT universities; 10 are based in the UK and two are overseas. Nine of the 10 UK-based LNAT universities are Russell Group Unis, and three of them are in London.

UK LNAT Universities

1) University of Bristol

2) University of Cambridge

3) Durham University

4) University of Glasgow

5) King’s College, London (KCL)

6) London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

7) University of Nottingham

8) University of Oxford

9) University College London (UCL)

10) SOAS University of London

International LNAT Universities

1) Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), Singapore

2) IE School of Law, Spain